Margaret Krom, Grade 8
Holy Family Parish, Latrobe
Parents: Dr. Michael and Jessica Krom
The words that best describe Margaret are “humble servant.” While naturally quiet, she leads by example. Her kindness and generosity, in addition to her natural talents, represent the very best of what we hope for our students.
Margaret is an exceptional student who never gives less than her best. She is also a gifted singer, writer and actress.
She enjoys running and has been on the cross country team as well as doing several 5Ks. She is part of the student council prefect (governing) board of students and has served on the student government committee and as a class representative. She was voted by her peers into a school leadership position this year.
Margaret is part of a large family, and often assists in looking after her younger sister and helping with other household duties. She and her mother help to refill the church food box, and they bring dinner every night to an elderly neighbor.